Friday, August 01, 2008

Patchwork Picnic in Rittenhouse Square

I got this invite through Facebook, but all is welcome.

Patchwork Picnic
Host by Rittenhouse Square
"Sure, we've all been to potlucks before. But ever been to one hosted by an anthropomorphic park?
Make a dish, bring a blanket, and patch together with others at this meet & greet dinner event."

Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Location: North Field, Just right of the NE Entrance (Rittenhouse Square)


HughE Dillon said...

How was the Rittenhouse Square pot luck? Thanks Philly Chit Chat

MsFinney said...

Hey Philly Chit Chat,
I was held up at another engagement and missed out on the festivities. I am trying to get some feedback from some folks that went. Thanks